Maps that show Palestine losing land to Israel over time are complete bunk!

Jordan Maxwell
7 min readOct 18, 2020

If you ever delved into the Israeli Palestinian conflict, you have inevitably seen this map of how the Palestinians lost land to Israel over time. And maybe it has thrown you into an outrage. The only problem? These maps are complete bunk.

It is said that information provided without context is meaningless. So let’s break it down and provide context. Will start with the first map and go from there.

Map of 1946

This map of 1946 shows Palestinians as owning pretty much the entire area. Right off the bat, the maps start with a falsehood. Palestine as a country has never existed. In 1946, this entire area belonged to Great Britain, who were given the mandate to rule this area by the now defunct League of Nations (precursor to the United Nations). Furthermore, starting with about 60% down map (or 10–15 miles south of Jerusalem), the entire area is a desert and it’s very sparsely populated to this day (have a look at Google Maps if you don’t believe me). So no one owned that land and thus it’s dishonest to even color it.

Finally, year 1946 is depicted to show how things stood prior to establishment of the State of Israel in 1948. Given that the area was ruled by Great Britain, this map is completely inaccurate, disingenuous and lacking context.

